Play experts from around the world got together from the 24th to the 26th of October in Tirana to discuss play matters!
Let the play in Western Balkans begin!
RE:PLAY Partners Meeting: preparation for the implementation of local pilot projects
Learning from Victoria Falls and Livingstone
Let’s get together and make change: Towards the Child-Focused Cities Analytical Framework is an Impact Research Project supported by the ICLD
Škograd was here: Design Week Novi Sad
KidsCreate was a performative educational program during the Design Week Novi Sad that ambodied the world of dreams among us.
Škograd was here: ICLD Local Democracy Academy, Visby, Sweden
The theme of this years Academy was “Transformative local governments: bringing people and politics together“. We contributed and learned a lot!
Škograd was here: Zagreb in pursuit of a European playground
On EU financing the return of nature to children’s playgrounds in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania
Škograd was here: RE:PLAY project partners Dutch study tour!
RE:PLAY Project took us on a study tour to Amsterdam, the capital of child-friendly city-making to look closely at public spaces that were designed with children in focus
Škograd was here: SoliDialogues
Škograd had a chance to exchange with colleagues from around the world during the SoliDialogues event.
Škograd was here: FREIRAUM Festival
The Action Research Centre Škograd was live during the FREIRAUM Festival.
Škograd was here: Unlearning talks @ START
The Action Research Centre Škograd was live in Thessaloniki talking about more equitable cities.