SCHOOLARTCITIES for creativity in schools and public space / Erasmus + KA2
The strategic partnership project – SCHOOLARTCITY – is implemented by the Záhrada Cultural Center (SK) in cooperation with the Society for Creativity in Education (CZ), and Udruzenje Skogled.
The main goal of the project is to connect the art practice sector (creative and cultural industries) and the formal education sector by strengthening cooperation and networking between creative professionals, educators and cultural managers.
The tangible outputs of the project will be the Methodology of Creative Education in Public Space and the Handbook of Best Practices. The project will include 2 creative education conferences in Banská Bystrica and Belgrade and various educational activities.
The implemented activities will help young people not only gain practical knowledge in the thematic areas of school curricula, subjects and understanding of the relationship between global and local but also strengthen their civic and social awareness through public art tools (eg performances, interventions, digital media, new technology, design, etc.). Thanks to participation in the creative process of preparation and implementation of class projects, they will have better access to information, while they will be able to better critically evaluate and use it correctly.
Organised in partnership with and with the support of: