Let’s get together and make change: Towards the Child-Focused Cities Analytical Framework is an Impact Research Project supported by the ICLD

Let’s get together and make change: Towards the Child-Focused Cities Analytical Framework is an Impact Research Project supported by the ICLD
We had a chance to host a closing conference of the Scoolartcity Project. gathering partners and knowledge that has been co-produced in the past two years of our collaboration.
Friendly is not enough! If we are to politicize children and youth, we need CHILD-FOCUSED CITIES!
The theme of this years Academy was “Transformative local governments: bringing people and politics together“. We contributed and learned a lot!
Policy Brief: Closing or keeping open public schools during COVID-19 in Serbia: finding the middle way
Škograd had a chance to exchange with colleagues from around the world during the SoliDialogues event.
The Action Research Centre Škograd was live during the FREIRAUM Festival.
The Action Research Centre Škograd was live in Thessaloniki talking about more equitable cities.
We had a chance to present our work and exchange ideas during the Power to Co-Produce Webinar hosted by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space | TU Wien.
had a chance to present our work and talk about Hope with the community of scholars and activists from around the world during the 19th IOPD Conference in Mexico City.