Through the Creative Europe program, the European Union finances the promotion of natural play, co-creation and integration of natural elements in the redesign of children’s playscapes in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Albania.

Through the Creative Europe program, the European Union finances the promotion of natural play, co-creation and integration of natural elements in the redesign of children’s playscapes in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Albania.
Policy Brief: Closing or keeping open public schools during COVID-19 in Serbia: finding the middle way
On EU financing the return of nature to children’s playgrounds in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania
RE:PLAY Project took us on a study tour to Amsterdam, the capital of child-friendly city-making to look closely at public spaces that were designed with children in focus
RE:PLAY team celebrates World Play Day!
Škograd had a chance to exchange with colleagues from around the world during the SoliDialogues event.
The Action Research Centre Škograd was live during the FREIRAUM Festival.
The Action Research Centre Škograd was live in Thessaloniki talking about more equitable cities.
We had a chance to present our work and exchange ideas during the Power to Co-Produce Webinar hosted by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space | TU Wien.
had a chance to present our work and talk about Hope with the community of scholars and activists from around the world during the 19th IOPD Conference in Mexico City.